I spent part of my snowbound Saturday afternoon organizing and reviewing back issues of my magazines and wondering to myself when the new lot would arrive...well, I need wonder no more because lookee what was waiting for me at home today:
I received the first issues of my subscriptions to Wish and Canadian House & Home and for some reason, for the latter, I received both March and April's at once, which is ironic a la Alanis Morisette, because I had already purchased March at the newsstand. Grrr.
Ya, I don't normally. The only time I do is when I'm at the airport before a flight, then I feel indulgent and fork out the $ to pay full newsstand price, otherwise I hang out at the bookstore and read them for free. :)
phoenix, I had the same thing happen to me with the March and April issues of H+H! I renewed it, got Feb., and never got March. I called and pretty much questioned them as if they're murdered someone, and then 2 days later I got March, and 1 day after that got April. The man I spoke to said that getting March out to everybody had been a real problem and they were trying to do better. So glad he wasn't just feeding me a line!
I can't remember the last time I bought a magazine at the newsstand!
Ya, I don't normally. The only time I do is when I'm at the airport before a flight, then I feel indulgent and fork out the $ to pay full newsstand price, otherwise I hang out at the bookstore and read them for free. :)
phoenix, I had the same thing happen to me with the March and April issues of H+H! I renewed it, got Feb., and never got March. I called and pretty much questioned them as if they're murdered someone, and then 2 days later I got March, and 1 day after that got April. The man I spoke to said that getting March out to everybody had been a real problem and they were trying to do better. So glad he wasn't just feeding me a line!
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