Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Working the connection

The job hunt, to date, is slow-going. I've applied to a grand total of 2 jobs, both for the same company. I was browsing the careers site yesterday for the financial services company I used to work for and came across an opportunity that sounded very promising - and not unlike the work I did there about 3 years ago before the organization was re-structured. So I dropped my old manager an email last night to see what he knew about the role and the hiring manager, and he replied back this morning with some insights and the offer to put in a good word for I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

Meanwhile, I sat through a meeting from 9-11 this morning to hammer out a SWOT for our group. If you don't know what a SWOT is, it's a strategic tool to analyse the internal and external environment in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Anyways, I'm skeptical that the senior leadership will read this document and actually take anything away from it - will they see some of the weaknesses/threats we've highlighted and try to mitigate them? Will they see any of the opportunities we've noted as calls to action? Given how little has changed in the last year....I somehow doubt it. Which is why I need to get out.

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