I love the gorgeous, sparkly mosaic mirror and decorative plate made of glass tile, rhinestones and glass beads by Karen Johnston:
Art Signs has been in the business of "professional sign and wayfinding design" for 15 years, but they've branched out to decorative wall art to great effect:
Art for your floor at the sourceuk booth:
After seeing these pretty and inspired-by-nature accessories at AT Design Group's booth, I must now check out their store in Rosedale:
Continuing with the natural theme, lovely pendants by Toronto-based designer Mathew Birtch:
Beautiful ceramic and porcelein at Kosoy & Bouchard - I want this for bowl my sink in my grown-up powder room:
S Bloc by Rob Southcott. From the Designer's Statement - "Cast plaster blocks are simply arranged in any number or configuration. Inspired by embellishments of the Victorian era these casting can be used to enhance any surface or environment.":
LOVE this banquette by reCraft Furniture - something else for my grown-up home...I think in my kitchen/dining room:
This deslightful sink (it's actually a double) is made of concrete by Magnus Nordstrom:
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