Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I want...

...the Gucci Abbey shoulder bag.

I've never really been a Gucci girl - my Gucci purchases to date have been limited to a couple pair of sunglasses and a bottle of Gucci II perfume - but there's something about the shape of the Abbey that I like.

The US$750 price tag is a major deterrent - although I did have my performance review today and received an outstanding rating...which means I'll be getting a nice bonus this year.

Do I want to spend part of that bonus on a bag or maybe save it to use towards the glorious Montauk Scroll?


Jane Flanagan said...

I vote Montauk without a hesitation!

But do buy yourself something non-house related to celebrate the bonus. And congrats!

Anonymous said...

If it were me I would buy the bag. You want it, worked hard for it.

BTW - your link here didn't work for me.

The Lone Beader® said...

I've never really been a Gucci girl either. I'm a Kipling girl, I guess. I have 3 of their bags:)

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