Monday, March 05, 2007

I'm in like

I've been seeing a guy and I think I'm in like. It's early days yet, but this one may be a keeper.

He's sweet, considerate and funny. It was easy and comfortable when we met for dinner the first time a couple weeks ago. He was in California for business last week but we kept in touch via email and made a date for dinner this past Saturday. He flew the red-eye in and was still jetlagged, so we had a low-key night of dinner and DVDs in - Little Miss Sunshine: thumbs up; Garden State: thumbs down.

I'm wary about rushing things because I fell hard and fast the last time around and that didn't end well. But I'm also mindful of not letting the past get in the way, so it's a fine balance. I re-read the article I posted earlier this year about giving 100% in love so I'm taking everyday as it comes.

We have a date set for this Friday night so I'm looking forward to the end of the week - moreso than usual.

Dating is fun again. :)


The Lone Beader® said...

That is so exciting!! I am happy for you. I have also been casually seeing Rudy's owner from time to time... He's a keeper, too... Also, good luck with your date on Friday=:)

phoenix said...

Thanks, LB! Relationships are a funny animal.

Good luck with Rudy's owner! :)

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