Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Rainbows in the twilight sky

I went to the gym tonight and saw two rainbows in the twilight sky. I thought I had imagined it at first because the sky was a dusky pink, but it really was a pretty little rainbow hanging vertically in the sky. I’ve often wondered about how nature can make such beautiful things happen. I was never interested in science while in school, though. I took the requisite courses through to the 10th grade and favoured the pursuit of the social sciences and business thereafter.

I’ve always found rainbows hopeful and associate them with positive imagery—maybe it has something to do with growing up watching Rainbow Brite cartoons?

In Greek mythology the goddess of the rainbow was Iris, who carried the wounded Aphrodite to safety along the rainbow's arc. Many native cultures see the rainbow as a pathway of souls or a bridge to heaven. And of course, there’s the Irish legend of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Conversely, there are some cultures that think otherwise: A folk legend in Finland says the rainbow symbolizes the sickle of the thunderstorm god (how à propos considering tonight's stormy weather). In other traditions, the simple act of pointing to the rainbow means you could lose a finger, or gain an ulcer. A Romanian legend has it that anyone who passes beneath a rainbow undergoes a sex change.

If I was the type to search for meanings and symbols, I might think that these rainbows were a sign. I got an unexpected call tonight from a friend I haven’t seen since last fall, inviting me to a BBQ this Sunday. Apparently there’s a guy they’d like to set me up with. This could be promising…

Meanwhile, I can’t believe that May is done. How can it possibly be June in less than an hour!?

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