Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lesson to Learn

I'm a sucker for all the pre-Oscar stuff because I like to see all the pretty dresses so I've been parked off and on for the last few hours flipping through all the pre-Oscar coverage and happened upon the segment on Barbara Walters' annual special and her interview with Anne Hathaway.

When asked to describe the last year, Hathaway said she learned that vulnerability is not the same as weakness. Vulnerability is not the same as weakness. This is something I definitely need to learn.


sallymandy said...

Thanks, I really like Anne's attitude and appreciate you sharing that quote. If we aren't vulnerable I guess we'll miss out on a lot of things that come our way. That's a good perspective.

Thanks for visiting my blog the other day. I'm enjoying yours.

Anonymous said...

That's a really great quote and thanks for sharing. This will come in handy. :) Now I'll have to see the entire interview. I think her optimism and her smile is infectious. I loved watching her facial reactions during the Oscars.

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