Sunday, July 16, 2006

Pineapple Fizz = Powder Sand?

I spent a relatively lazy but productive Sunday. I stepped out long enough to pick up the paper on our front step and have been indoors ever since. The contractors were off for the day so the house was quiet.

After lingering over the morning paper, I settled in to finalize the paint colours for the various rooms and I'm proud to report that there isn't a shade of boring beige to be found. There are shades of blue and green, yellow and pink...and every one of them is soft and inviting.

Part of my afternoon was spent fussing over just the right shade of creamy yellow. Because this will be the principal colour of the house, it will have to look good in many different lights as it will be on the walls of all the halls, foyer, dining room and basement.

I started with Pineapple Fizz, then decided it was too bright so settled on Clear Yellow before deciding that it was too cool...Powder Sand looked like Pineapple Fizz and just when I was about to give up (who the heck comes up with these silly names anyway?) I saw Lightning White, which isn't white at all but a lovely and perfect shade of cream so my choice was made.

With my colour crisis over, I turned to the next item on my To Do list: the dreaded wardrobe edit. It turned out to be fearly painless and quick as I was done in about 30 minutes...which makes me wonder if I did as good a job as I could have done if I had spent longer...but I won't stress about that anymore. My mission for the weekend is accomplished.

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