Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Brace face, part deux?

I had an appointment with my orthodontist today for my annual appliance check-up. (Why do they call it that? Fridges and stoves come to mind whenever I hear that word, unless it’s prefaced by small, in which case I think of electric can openers or toaster ovens.)

After a couple minutes of looking at my bite, he pronounced that everything was fine and was all set to scoot me out of his chair when I asked him about why my two bottom-front teeth were slightly crooked, especially when I wear my splint faithfully every night. How can my teeth be crooked?!

Apparently I's got issues. Of course, I knew that already...I just didn't realize how bad they were! You know Jay Leno's famous chin? That would have been me without the orthodontics and oral surgery.

My be-yoo-ti-ful smile cost my dear mother a very pretty penny and it irks me that I will have to endure braces again if I want my teeth straightened out. My orthodontist thought very carefully before he answered my question as to the why—something about forces keeping the teeth in place but because I breathe with my mouth open sometimes (doesn’t everyone?), my teeth have grown out…who knew?! I thought I just clenched my jaw.

He outlined 3 options to resolve the crowding that's happening amongst my bottom teeth. He can:

1. place small titanium screws in my bottom jaw to help pull my back teeth back into the jawbone (sounds extremely ick, but apparently it’s a very simple and painless procedure) and put braces back on to straighten the teeth at the same time;

2. straighten my bottom teeth with Invisalign braces;

3. make a splint for my bottom teeth to maintain the status quo.

Of course, the 4th option would be to do nothing at all, but the consequence is that it will likely get worse. Not an option I find appealing.

The whole screws in my jaw thing just does not work for me...I already have permanent titanium screws in my jaw...I don't feel the need to add any temporary ones...and the fact that the screws are supposed to pull my teeth back into the bone just sounds painful. Why would I do that to myself?!

Option #3 also doesn't appeal because I already have one splint...the last thing I want is to add another. How sexy do you think it is to go to bed with your mouth filled with "appliances"?!

So, upon initial consideration, option #2 seems the best, even though it will be costly and likely uncomfortable. But, the clear plastic will be virtually invisible, I won’t speak with a lisp for the duration of treatment, and I won’t have to worry about food stuck in my braces.

Next steps include further research and checking to see if my insurance at work covers orthodontics, and if so, how much…if only I weren’t so vain...

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