Sunday, October 17, 2010


My iPhone 4 finally arrived on Wednesday, about a week earlier than expected from Apple. I had ordered it online Sep 18 because I refused to queue for it and when the email notice of its delivery hit my inbox on Monday, I took advantage of FedEx's tracking capability and eagerly anticipated its arrival.

I've had it now for 4 nights and can I tell you what a time suck it is? I've spent WAY too much time browsing apps and downloading them but OMG so much fun! I'm so happy with this purchase, part of it funded by birthday money from my siblings.

I downloaded a wack of games this afternoon after finishing Airport Mania. What to play next...?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


LifeBegins@Thirty said...

Haha you know I love it! I personally like Hired Gun, Dismount, and Mega Jump so far :-)

The Lone Beader® said...

Cool! I would like to get one, but my $99 3G still works fine even though I have had it for a year and a half!

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