Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

I first heard of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies from Adrienne over at Bookmark My Heart about a year ago and was reminded of it again late in the year when I read that Natalie Portman was connected to the film adaptation.

R: the original cover, L: the cute post-it I used to cover up the zombie because I'm a chicken and it freaked me out to look at it (no joke.)

I finally got around to reading it and finished it a couple nights ago. Yes, it was campy and fun but I was also annoyed.

Why? First of all, it was poorly copy-edited with the odd transposed word, extraneous article, and "coy pond" on the grounds of Pemberley which should have been a "koi pond." But the absolute worst for me was this glaring factual error in chapter 43:

The housekeeper came; a respectable-looking English woman, dressed in a kimono and shuffling about on bound feet.

For the record, the Japanese never bound their feet so don't go mixing up the "Oriental" cultures - that's just ignorant - never mind that training in China was considered inferior to that in Japan - I'll let that go.

Anyway, despite it all, it was amusing and I'm mostly glad I read it, though I don't think I'll be checking out Quirk Classics' subsequent title, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters:

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